Yoga Asanas

Urdhva Hastasana - Upward Salute

Posted on 2019-02-27

Urdhva hastasana is a Sanskrit word which is loosely translated as an upward salute or a palm tree position. It's an asana that involves stretching the hands and the waist to receive relaxation. Unlike other asanas, this pose does not require empty bowels during practice.

The exception comes if you plan to engage in other asanas afterward. Besides, you can practice at any time of the day when you're feeling stiff and need a quick relaxing stretch. In most cases, you could be practicing this asana without realizing it.

If you stretch in the morning after waking up, or after you've been sitting for a long time, that’s a form of asana. Although the posture is simple, it requires constant practice to master and reap full benefits. When done correctly, you should gain relief from mild anxiety, backaches, stress, and asthma.

How to Practice Upward Salute in 6 Easy Steps

  1. Start by assuming a tadasana pose where your feet and arms are completely straight.

  2. Relax your body and breathe in and out slowly while lifting your arms over your head.

  3. Let your palms meet above your head with both palms touching and facing each other.

  4. Slowly, exhale and tilt your head back to face the thumbs of your hand.

  5. Keep inhaling and exhaling focusing your mind on your easy breathing.

  6. Remain on this posture for a few minutes then roll back our initial position.

Benefits of Urdhva Hastasana

  1.  An upward pose can cure asthma. When the chest stretches, the air moves without inhibitions from the lungs to the diaphragm getting rid of congested and heavy breathing.

  2. The pose improves digestion by stretching and toning abdominal muscles that will enhance blood flow.

  3. It helps to stimulate the nervous system, so you're more aware of what is happening inside and outside of yourself.

  4. The pose clears nerve congestion along the spine, promoting healthy growth and strengthening of the spine.

  5. Better posture: Working on a computer for an extended period can cause strain on the back which results in a hunchback. Upward pose helps rid the back, shoulder and arms tension accumulated when in one position.

The Upward Salute’s Dont's

Comfortable postures such as Urdhva Hastasana are easy to get wrong. To achieve the full benefits, avoid the following common mistakes.

  1. Do not let your elbows bend over which can result to loss of waist height.

  2. Do not let your pelvic bone tilt backward which could cause loss of power that comes with proper elongation.


Regardless of what you do in life, Urdhva Hastasana should be a part of your daily activities. In yoga, you reap the most benefits during hard trials and poses. When you correctly master this pose, you'll begin to experience positive changes in the body, mind, and soul. Most health problems occur because blood circulation is not satisfactory.

Upward Salute, helps to increase blood flow and consequently you'll get better functioning internal organs with visible external benefits such as glowing skin, toned muscles, better posture, and improved digestion.

Where to Start 

With one of our best online yoga programs, Ashtanga Fundamentals or Yoga for beginners

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