Yoga Asanas

Tuladandasana - Balancing Stick Pose

Posted on 2019-02-27

Balancing Stick Pose (Tuladandasana) is an advanced, dynamic, standing yoga posture. Part of the fashionable Bikram Yoga or Hot Yoga workout series, this cardiovascular pose can benefit you with even 10 seconds of holding. However, it is tempting to rush through the process, making you lose the beneficial form and alignment.

Tuladandasana is also called the One-Legged Pose (Eka Pada Asana), Warrior III Pose (Flying Warrior Pose), or Balancing Staff Pose. The word comes from three Sanskrit names. Tula means “balance,” danda means “staff” or “stick,” and asana means “pose.”

Step by Step Instructions

  • Begin in Tadasana

  • Inhale and lift the arms towards the sky

  • Clasp the hands with the index fingers pointing toward the sky

  • With the right foot, step forward

  • Transfer all your body weight slowly onto the right foot as you begin raising the left foot off the ground. Come down so arms, head, chest, everything is parallel to the floor, Focus on keeping the spine straight throughout

  • While down parallel to the floor, draw the belly in, chin forward and breathe 

  • Hold this pose for a short moment

  • Slowly return to Tadasana

  • Repeat the process on the opposite side with the left leg in the front position


  • Strengthens the heart by forcing it to pump faster and improve blood circulation. Tuladandasana can clear blocked arteries

  • Can help those with varicose veins

  • Good for the liver, pancreas, and spleen

  • Relieves spinal stress

  • Improves flexibility in the shoulders, hips, and hamstrings

  • Increases strength in the legs, arms, back, shoulders, and core muscles

  • Opens up the chest and lungs. If you perform it with the right breathing sequence, it can help improve your lung capacity and prevent pulmonary infections

  • Stimulates abdominal lungs

  • Reduces anxiety by calming the nervous system

  • Improves memory and focus

  • Improves stability and balance

  • Stretches the spinal column

  • Helps in burning calories

  • Helps increase stamina and endurance

Preparatory Poses

The following are excellent poses to prepare you for the Tuladandasana posture:

  • Dandayamana dhanurasana (Standing bow pulling pose)

  • Padahastasana (hands to feet pose)


  • Airplane Pose

  • Virabhadrasana

As a beginner, you may find it difficult to aligning the body to form that perfect T-shape. Begin by balancing on one foot and keeping the arms straight overhead. Try lifting the other leg off the ground as high as you can. The focus should be on keeping a straight back and enjoying the stretch on the spine.

Sometimes you can find it hard to maintain balance while keeping the arms outstretched. In this case, you may place the arms on the hips or on the ground in front of the foot. This aids in balancing.

Beginner’s Tips

  • Use a chair’s back to support your outstretched arms and keep balance

  • Work your way up until you’re able to hold the posture for 30 seconds. At this point, you can even perform Tuladandasana with closed eyes.

  • Begin by getting your balance right before attempting the pose. You may want to master the Tree Pose first as it is an excellent practice on balancing.

  • Set your eyes on a made-up spot that’s about four feet away from the weight-bearing foot. This helps you maintain balance

  • Focus on stabilizing the core muscles to offer a strong foundation for the remaining part of your body

    Where to Start 

    With one of our best online yoga classes, or sign up for a free trial

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