Warrior Pose III - Virabhadrasana III
There are three different variations of the Warrior pose. This pose is designed to help you strengthen your body and make you a warrior to prepare you for the fight against a spiritual enemy. The pose is named for a great warrior – Virabhadra.
Also Known As
Virabhadrasana III
Step by Step Warrior III
Step 1
Start by getting into Mountain Pose, or Tadasana. On the exhale, move into Uttanasana. On your next exhale, take a big step and lunge backward with your left foot. You need to keep your knee at a ninety-degree angle. Don’t let your knee move forward past your toes. Now bend and let the area from your sternum to your pubis rest on your right thigh. Grasp your right knee with both of your hands and squeeze them together. On your next exhale, raise your torso a little, and then turn slightly to the right.
Step 2
Stretch your arms out to the front. They should be parallel to one another and the floor. Your palms should face one another. Breathe out, and then press your right heel into the floor. Now straighten your leg while lifting your back leg.
Step 3
Be careful not to lunge your upper body forward, which will shift the weight of your body forward and cause you to lose your balance. Straighten your front knee and imagine yourself pressing the top of your thighbone back.
Step 4
Make sure that your torso, arms, and the leg you lifted are parallel to the floor. Extend your back leg out straight behind you while stretching your arms forward more. Look ahead and be careful not to compress the nape of your neck.
Step 5
Hold the position for up to a minute. On the exhale, release your lunge. Place your hands on the floor, adjacent to your right foot. On the next exhale, bring the left foot forward to meet the right. Hold for three or four breaths, and then repeat the pose using the opposite leg.
This pose can be challenging regarding balance when you’re just starting. You can use a chair to help you balance when you stretch your arms out in front of you.
Preparatory Poses
- Supta Padangusthasana
- Prasarita Padottanasana
- Supta Virasana
- Ardha Chandrasana
- Utkatasana
- Urdhva Prasarita Padasana
- Uttanasana
- Virabhadrasana I
- Virabhadrasana II
- Vrksasana
- Virasana
Follow Up Poses
- Utkatasana
- Halasana
- Eka Pada Rajakapotasana
- Hanumanasana
- Navasana
- Natarjasana
- Salamba Sirsasana
- This pose strengthens the following areas:
- Legs
- Ankles
- Back
- Shoulders
- It helps to stretch the following areas:
- Arms
- Back
- It also helps to tone up slack stomach muscles and improve your posture and balance.
A variation of this pose is to change the position of your arms. You could stretch them out sideways, or reach behind your back.
Pose Type
Standing Poses, Balancing poses
Beginner Tips
You have to be careful not to hyperextend or lock your knee.
Where to start
Start with one of our online yoga classes in Vinyasa fundamentals or Yoga for beginners program