From Flexibility to Mobility

When we think about mobility it can be easy to get it confused or mixed with flexibility; mobility is the ability to take a joint to its full range of motion with control.

This program is divided into five classes to help you work through different parts of the body and work on your mobility. To be able to achieve a good amount of mobility, flexibility is a significant prerequisite.

During these five classes, we will try to take our flexibility into mobility, working hard to control our full range of motion and by doing so, find stability in our joints. 

From Flexibility to Mobility

Week 1

Yoga practice at Yogateket with Lizette Pompa

Welcome to This Program

A short introduction on what to expect during these five classes.
Yoga practice at Yogateket with Lizette Pompa

Shoulder Mobility

This class focuses on moving your shoulders through their full range of motion and being able to control that movement. Lots of circular movement to take the head of the shoulder to move without compensations from the spine but instead finding true shoulder mobility.

Yoga practice at Yogateket with Lizette Pompa

Wrist Mobility

Our wrists are such an essential part of our practice; they support our body weight in many of the postures we practice daily. This short class goes through different ways to strengthen our wrist and find true mobility, especially through wrist extension (the shape they are in during plank pose). This class is an excellent way to start any yoga practice, finding time to prepare your wrist before bearing weight.
Yoga practice at Yogateket with Lizette Pompa

Spine Mobility

Let your spine move in all directions to keep it healthy and mobile; this class will take you into flexion, extension, side flexion, and rotation. We will try to disassociate each part of the spine from the next one to find true movement allowing you to move from your lower to cervical vertebrae while feeling what you can do with it.
Yoga practice at Yogateket with Lizette Pompa

Hip Mobility

Move through internal and external rotation of your hips; see where you are and then learn to control that range. This class is not about how much you can open your hips but more about how much control you can bring into this area. Hip stability will give you lots of support during your yoga practice. 
Yoga practice at Yogateket with Lizette Pompa

Knees and Ankles Mobility

This class will help you understand how to support the movement of your knees and ankles. We focus on understanding the tibia and ankle rotation to find true mobility in those areas. This class is a great way to prepare for squats (malasana pose) of any weight bearing work with our knees. As always, listen to your body if there's pain and move mindfully.