Hatha Yoga
Yoga fundamentals for beginners and experienced yogis
The most popular yoga forms in the West today derive from Hatha Yoga, including (but not limited to) Bikram Yoga, Iyengar, Jivamukti, and Ashtanga Vinyasa.“Hatha” means “force” in Sanskrit, and refers to yoga as a system of physical techniques. Hatha Yoga is mentioned early in both Hindu and Buddhist contexts, with the earliest records of the term “Hatha Yoga” being found in Buddhist Tantric works from the eighth century. However, according to legend, Hatha Yoga was developed by Buddhist/Hindu saint Matsyendranath (c. early tenth century), who overheard Shiva describing the principals of yoga and from this founded Hatha Yoga.
Even though Hatha Yoga is an ancient practice, the most influential work on Hatha Yoga is medieval: Svami Svatmarama’s fifteenth-century Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Among other things, his work contains descriptions of postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayamas), power centers (chakras), and meditation. During India’s movement for independence from the British Empire in the 1920s and 1930s, the interest for Hatha Yoga grew enormously. Hatha Yoga became so popular in this period because it was considered a symbol of national unity, Indian traditions, and freedom, as opposed to imposed “Britishness”.
With Hatha Yoga’s popular rise in the 1920s and 1930s, it was also greatly developed in this time period. Some of the most influential revivers and reformers of Hatha Yoga were Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, Paramhansa Yogananda, and Bishnu Ghosh. They all had in common that they focused more on the asana practice that had been done before, and they also worked on the optimal sequencing of and alignment in asanas. However, all of them primarily taught the 84 classical Hatha Yoga asanas. These 84 classical asanas are also the focus of the Hatha Yoga offered at Yogateket. In our online yoga classes, we combine deliberate breathing with static postures, and in so doing create a strong foundation for your yoga practice. After some time, you might even find meditation and relaxation by staying in the postures.
5 Programs

Yoga Therapy
Accessible for everyone. Designed to alleviate suffering from postural problems, neck and back pain, or life on the computer. The course can also be a good place for beginners to start or for anyone wishing to dive into the foundation of their practice.
We use a lot of simple spinal twists and bends. The aim is to work on spinal mobility and to start to correct postural imbalances, allowing free movement and spinal health.
Core strengthening exercises are introduced. Often posture problems manifest due to a weakness in the core. Your core will be strengthened in the appropriate places.

Whole30 Yoga Practice Program
Are you looking to incorporate healthy movement into your lifestyle this 2020?
We have made a special program for you who are following the Whole30 timeline. But of course, anyone can start this 30 days of yoga classes, movement, breathing, and mindfulness.
Enjoy the classes.

Prenatal Yoga Program
This prenatal pregnancy program is designed for all mamas to be. This time is filled with changes not only in your body but also mentally and emotionally. A yoga practice through your pregnancy will give you time and space to connect with those shifts and give you not just physical but emotional stability. Use the props as needed to support your practice and feel strong, flexible and confident as you go through one of the most magical stages of your life.
Todos Los Días, Todas Las Veces Que Quieras
Este programa consta de 8 sesiones, cada una de ellas dedicada a una parte del cuerpo: cuello, hombros, caderas, espalda/omóplatos, muñecas, pies, cuádriceps/isquiotibiales, caja torácica.
El objetivo es activar y calentar el cuerpo por grupos musculares y prepararlo para la práctica. El programa está pensado para antes de la práctica pero podría hacerse también durante la práctica e incluso de manera independiente. Dependiendo de la energía y del tiempo que tengas, puedes hacer todos los movimientos o posturas que se presentan de cada grupo muscular o sólo algunos de ellos.
¡Combínalos como quieras y crea tus propias rutinas!

From Flexibility to Mobility
When we think about mobility it can be easy to get it confused or mixed with flexibility; mobility is the ability to take a joint to its full range of motion with control.
This program is divided into five classes to help you work through different parts of the body and work on your mobility. To be able to achieve a good amount of mobility, flexibility is a significant prerequisite.
During these five classes, we will try to take our flexibility into mobility, working hard to control our full range of motion and by doing so, find stability in our joints.
1 Challenge

Step Out Of Your Yoga Comfort Zone
This one-week long yoga challenge is meant to be a tool to grow and transform and help you to step out of your "yoga" comfort zone.
If you are not a yogi that is trying out new classes and teachers regularly, this might be challenging but at the same time super rewarding.
In seven days you will try six teachers and five different styles of yoga.
“When was the last time you did something for the first time.” Anonymous