StrengthTEN Level1 Day 1

Welcome to day 1.

Today is about creating the support you need for your strength practice. When thinking about upper body strength, we immediately connect it to the hands, and that means your wrists.

Start by working through stretching exercises to warm up your wrists, then move into strengthening drills to help your wrist become stronger when you extend them and put body weight on them.

This is a great way to prepare your hands before you start a yoga practice of a strength session. You want to wrists to be healthy, and it is possible as long as you work with them often and on a right way.

StrengthTEN Level1 Day 1_0 StrengthTEN Level1 Day 1_1
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Hi there! Feliz de acompañarte este nuevo challenge! 1est day: done!! 🙏😙


Lizette una duda, no pude levantar las muñecas si mantenía mis hombros sobre ellas. Necesito practicar para desarrolar fuerza verdad?
Así es. Es difícil al principio pero solo se requiere de práctica. Poco a poco.