Mandala Style Flow

Move from side to side, front to back and in a repetitive pattern that will allow your body to open more and more.
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Beautiful flow! Definitely had to catch my breath a few times! Loved it!
Thanks Jessica.


always one of my favourites, Lizette. Thank you.
Your welcome Kenzie.


No puedo creerlo... volví a abrirme de piernas casi por completo... después de años!! 🙏
Que alegria!


I feel really open and grateful after this practice. Thanks Lizette! I loved it!
Thank you so much Rosalia.


Loved this flow! Challenging and fun in 30 minutes. Thank you!
Your welcome.


I love this one! I've done it so many times. Thanks, Lizette!
So happy to hear that! Thanks




Really wonderful fun and twisty flow! I loved it. Thank you!
This is one of my favorites too. Thanks.


Loved it! Perfect for when you don't have a lot of time! Thank you <3
Your welcome Tanya.


Hi Liz! I did your class this morning. Between reading stories and making breakfast. My bathroom as my ultimate me-space. Thank you!
Hi Saskia! That sounds wonderful! Happy to hear that.


cada vez q vuelvo a hacer esta clase siento una enorme gratitud hacia vos Lizette. he avanzado tanto en este casi par de años q practico con yogateket! gracias reina, de corazón!