Vinyasa Fundamentals Day 3

Time for day 3 of Vinyasa Fundamentals where we are going to work on our standing postures. 

Beginning in a downward facing dog with a transition to warrior ll where we will work on our hip placement which sometimes feels so tricky to get. This is one of the most common postures in Vinyasa classes, therefore we're starting from the beginning how to think and how to simplify the movement. 

From here we will go into our High lunge trying to find tadasana while working efficiently with the legs and hips. We will open up our chest, straighten the arms and work with strong legs to find our tadasana.

Finishing the yoga class with warrior l and how to incorporate a bit of the last two poses to feel stable here. 

Vinyasa Fundamentals Day 3_0 Vinyasa Fundamentals Day 3_1 Vinyasa Fundamentals Day 3_2
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