Sholders Yoga Class

This yoga class brings all the focus on how we move our shoulders and scapulae. Start by finding internal and external rotation through the head of your shoulder to then find a full range of motion and bring that into the practice. Gain more awareness of where your shoulder blades are in space and how that plays a roll in your postures. 
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Loved it! Am doing a remote kinstretch membership and this is the perfect way to combine it in with Yoga, thanks so much 🙏
So happy to hear that Shaini! Thank you so much!


So amazing! I feel great. I am so inspired by your teaching. This class definitely made me feel very good after sitting at a computer for most of the day. Thank you!


I loved the use of the blocks for the shoulders, so fun and challenging in a different way. Thank you Lizette!


Loved the class! Never knew I could bind my arms in side angle! But the simple cue of rotating the arms allowed me to bind my arms back behind me! Thank you Lizette!


Gracias Lizette. Me propuse seguir tus prácticas online. Nos estaremos escribiendo.


Pretty cool, thank you Lizette!


Hi, loving your classes I'm a web developer as well want to know who made this website thank you