
Yoga online - 13 best tips that will get you started with online yoga practice

Yoga online a beginners guideAre you a beginner who wants to be able to do yoga at home but don’t know where to start? It might not seem like an easy task, but with some help on the way, you will get there! The hardest bit is actually to get started with a yoga class and to have the confidence...
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Yoga Practice

The 5 Niyamas of Yoga Explained

“Niyama”  The 5 Niamas is the second limb, among the eight limbs of yoga described in Patanjali’s yoga sutra. It comprises of five internal practices, which extend the moral codes of conduct that Yama provides. Niyama extends these practices to a person's internal environment of spirit,...
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Yoga Practice

Ultimate Beginner Guide to Yoga Challenge

Find Your Yoga Challenge!To do a yoga challenge, it doesn’t matter if you are an experienced yogi or a beginner who wants to explore the world of yoga, everyone needs a challenge every now and then. Sometimes it can even be a test to show up at the yoga studio or to roll out the yoga mat...
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Yoga Practice

Mula Bandha - Learn the Benefits of the Root Lock

Maybe you have heard your yoga teacher say "use your mula bandha” or “use the locks” during a yoga class. There is a possibility that most of the yoga students - including you did not have any idea how to go around this. In many situations, yoga teachers usually mention Mula Bandha, but...
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Yoga Practice

What is Yoga? A Beginner’s Guide

What comes into your mind when you hear the word ‘yoga’?For some people, it’s rolling mats and stretchy athletic wear.For others, it’s twisting about into a pretzel while doing a headstand.And for still others, it’s that thing mum does on weekends.But what is it, really? This online...
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Yoga Practice