
Parsva Bakasana - Side Crow

Parsva Bakasana is an asana in hatha yoga that deals with arm balancing. The Sanskrit Parsva means “side,” Baka means “crane” or “crow,” while asana means “pose.” The full English name for Parsva Bakasana is side crow or side crane pose. Bakasana itself refers to the likeness of...
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Yoga Asanas

Padmasana - Lotus pose

The Padmasana is a meditative pose that is performed while seated. It originates from ancient meditation practices of India. To pose in Padmasana one foot is placed on the thigh of the other. Shiva the meditating God of Hinduism and the founder of Buddhism are depicted in this position....
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Yoga Asanas

Padangusthasana - Big Toe Pose

The Padangusthasana is an asana of the Ashtanga yoga tradition that is done while standing. The pose is very good for stretching many muscles of the body and ideal for people with flat feet. The name Padangusthasana is derived from the Sanskrit pada which means foot, angustha which means thumb...
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Yoga Asanas

Padahastasana - Hand to Feet Pose

Padahastasana is a stretch pose that uses the strength of the body to stretch. The yogi uses the upper body strength to pull the body and put it in a stretch. Padahastasana is derived from the Sanskrit names pada which means foot, hasta which means hand and asana meaning pose. Padahastasana,...
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Yoga Asanas

Matsyasana - Fish pose

Matsyasana (mot-see-AHS-anna) is derived from the Sanskrit Matsya meaning fish and asana meaning posture. It, therefore, translates to Fish pose in English. Also, when done the yogi resembles a fish. It is believed that if you perform this pose while on water it will make your float. However,...
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Yoga Asanas