
Tree pose- Vrksasana

Tree pose or Vrksasana originally comes from the Sanskrit words vriksa or vriksha meaning “tree” and asana meaning “pose” or posture. Once you perform your Vrksasana standing in front of a mirror, your body should look like a human tree, beautiful, balanced and strong. This yoga pose...
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Yoga Asanas

Dandayamana Bibhaktapada Paschimotthanasana

Standing Separate Leg Stretching PoseThis is the 9th pose practiced in Bikram Yoga. It is also known as Dandayamana bibhaktapada paschimotthanasana in Sanskrit. It is a partial inversion pose that is known to have many physical as well as mental benefits. It enhances circulation and stimulates...
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Yoga Asanas

Ustrasana - Camel Pose

Ustrasana (pronounced as oosh-TRAHS-anna) is a back bending asana practiced in Hatha yoga. It is an extreme back bending exercise that stretches most parts of the body. The name Ustrasana is derived from the words ustra meaning camel and asana meaning posture. It, therefore, translates to Camel...
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Yoga Asanas

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana - Bridge Pose

Setu Sarvangasana is in the lying down and Intermediate Level of Aasanas category. Also called Setu Bandhasana, Dwi Pada Pitham, Shoulder Pose, Two-Legged Table, Half Wheel Pose, Kandhrasana, it has more scientific benefits as compared to other types of asanas.Setu Sarvangasana comes from three...
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Yoga Asanas

Sukhasana - Easy Pose

Sukhasana or Easy Pose is an asana in hatha yoga, Buddhism, and Hinduism that is similar to any cozy, cross-legged, seated position. Also called the Decent or Pleasant Pose, it is not as simple as the name suggests if you’re accustomed to sitting in a chair. You’ll do a lot of work in the...
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Yoga Asanas