
Dandayamana Janushirasana - Standing Head to Knee Pose

The Standing Head-to-Knee Pose is the fifth pose in Bikram Yoga. The pose is known also by the Sanskrit name Dandayamana Janushirasana. The pose might look simple but to be able to balance requires activation of multiple muscle groups which also helps to improve the focus and concentration of...
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Yoga Asanas

Salabhasana - Locust Pose

Salabhasana belongs to a group of asanas called the “baby backbends.” Its Sanskrit name, salabha means “grasshopper” or “locust.” Also called the Locust Pose, Salabhasana is a seemingly simple pose that is more challenging and interesting than it appears on the surface. Step by...
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Yoga Asanas

Warrior Pose III - Virabhadrasana III

There are three different variations of the Warrior pose. This pose is designed to help you strengthen your body and make you a warrior to prepare you for the fight against a spiritual enemy. The pose is named for a great warrior – Virabhadra.Also Known AsVirabhadrasana IIIStep by Step Warrior...
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Yoga Asanas

Trikonasana and Variations of Triangle Pose

Extended - Revolved - Bound - Bikram The name comes from the Sanskrit words utthita (उत्थित), "extended", trikona (त्रिकोण) "triangle" and asana (आसन) "posture" or "seat".   Trikonasana, or the Triangle pose, is a standing yoga pose...
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Yoga Asanas

Essential Yoga Poses for Beginners

When just starting yoga, you may be tempted to leap right into the most visually impressive postures and try to impress your friends with the scorpion or the peacock pose. However, you will only hurt yourself if you don’t know what you’re doing. There are yoga poses for beginners...
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Yoga Asanas